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45 Trains from (NILE)NIMTITA to (AHN)AHIRAN
Address: Basudebpur Railway Station, NH-34, West Bengal 742224, India
Station Code: NILE
Station Name: NIMTITA
Zone: ER/Eastern
Train Frequency Weekly: 155
Station Traffic: High
Address: Near PS Suti, Jangipur Barrage Ahiran , Pin - 742223, Dist - Murshidabad West Bengal
Station Code: AHN
Station Name: Ahiran
Zone: ER/Eastern
Train Frequency Weekly: 91
Station Traffic: Medium
1 2023-04-03
•Highest ever achievement of Eastern Railway in respect of originating revenue & freight loading in FY-2022-23 Kolkata, April 03,2023: Shri Arun Arora, General Manager/ Eastern Railway hold a press conference at ER Headquarters, Fairlie Place, Kolkata today (03.04.23), wherein the General Manager explained about commendable achievements of Eastern Railways. In the press meet, General Manager revealed the accountal of best ever performance of Eastern Railway in FY2022-23. The financial data indicates that Eastern Railway has achieved the best ever originating revenue of Rs 10502 Cr in FY 2022-23 which is 2% more in respect to target and 21 % higher in respect to the earlier fiscal. Simultaneously Eastern Railway has recorded the best ever originating freight revenue of Rs.6501.6 Cr, best ever originating passenger revenue of Rs 3272.6Cr and best ever scrap sale revenue of Rs.377.36 Cr. The freight loading in Eastern Railway in 2022-23 stood at 79.72 million tons which is highest ever in the history of Eastern Railway and 5% higher than the freight loading figure in the previous fiscal (2021-22). Shri Arun Arora, GM congratulated Principal Chief Operations Manager and his team for achieving this milestone. All four DRMs have actively supported to reach the loading target. Eastern Railway has also recorded highest ever CAPEX of Rs. 3594 Crores in 2022-23. The Operating Ratio has also been improved by 15% in 2022-23. In 2022-23 Eastern Railway has taken some landmark decisions to increase the Non-Fare Revenue(NFR) vis-a-vis augmenting the passenger amenities like Grooming Cum Wellness Centre at 270 stations, Advertisement in EMU trains and provision of concierge services along with advertisement in Mail/Express trains. Eastern Railway is marching ahead with a plethora of infrastructure development. In the FY2022-23 120 km of new line/ multi tracking has been completed which is the highest ever performance of Eastern Railway over last five years. Thirty (30) KM more of doubling work between Rampurhat & Murarai and Ahiran & Sujnipara will be completed in April, 2023. The entire ER network has completely been electrified. General Manager, Shri Arora proudly announced that Eastern Railway has become the first Zonal Railway to finalize Kavach EPC tender and the first EPC tender for 2 X 25 KV power supply installation. Under Milestone-1 of Kavach work, 40 route Km on Howrah- New Delhi from Howrah to Chandanpur have been provided with Kavach system along with two (2) numbers of WAP 7 locomotives. Shri Arora, General Manager also informed that giving top priority on safety works Eastern Railway has surpassed the target by achieving 242.19 CTR Unit of Track Renewal, USFD Testing of 1374 km of rail, elimination of 19 Forced Layout, Sleeper renewal of 165.14 track km, Rail Renewal of 319.25 track km. GM congratulated Principal Chief Engineer and his team for this achievement. Besides, in 2022-23 Eastern railway has commissioned one of the world’s biggest Electronic Interlocking at Bandel with 1002 routes. State-of -the-art Electronic Interlocking having 489 routes also commissioned at Andal with yard remodeling to improve operational mobility. The Station Redevelopment Work for Eastern Railway is in rapid progress at 06 identified stations viz. Howrah, Kolkata, Bandel, Asansol, Bhagalpur and Jasidih informed Shri Arun Arora, General Manager. The redevelopment work at Asansol & Howrah station will be completed in 2026 to make those station packed with World Class facilities. For example Asansol railway station will get a package of complete facelift with Iconic station building connecting with local art and culture while retaining the heritage value of the heritage structure, Spacious Roof Plaza/Concourse with all passenger amenities at one place along with spaces for retail, cafeterias, recreational facilities, Smooth traffic flows, adequate Parking facilities with surface parking on both sides, Multi-Modal Integration with Bus stand and Railway station, Concourse area with world-class facilities and passenger amenities, Spacious waiting areas with modern facilities for the passengers, Comfortable seating areas and refreshment zones, Signages and digital displays for all kind of travel related information etc. In order to achieve sustainable environment, Eastern Railway has accomplished various Green Initiatives viz. 100 % electrification , conversion into HOG (Head–On–Generation) rake, installation of five ACWP (Automatic Coach Washing Plant) , installation of 06 (six) QWS (Quick Watering System) and installation of additional 2.785 MW Solar Power capacity in 2022-23. 2 2023-03-10
Kolkata, March 9, 2023 Due to maintenance work of Bridge No. 47 and 48 in between Tikani & Dhauni stations of Bhagalpur-Banka section in Malda Division, Traffic & Power Block have been planned oÂÂn 10.03.2023 & 11.03.2023. Consequently, the following arrangements in train running have been made:- CANCELLATION oÂÂn 11.3.2023: 03452/03449 & 03448/03447 Bhagalpur – Banka – Bhagalpur DEMU 03444/03443 & 03446/03445 Bhagalpur – Hansdiha – Bhagalpur DEMU 03441 Hansdiha – Bhagalpur DEMU 03633/03634 Jamalpur – Deoghar Passenger Moreover, 13015 Kaviguru Express will be rescheduled from Howrah by 60 minutes and 03482 Bhagalpur – Godda DEMU will be short originated from Hansdiha oÂÂn 11.02.2023. Inconvenience to be caused to the passengers is deeply regretted. ** EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY WITHDRAWAL OF STOPPAGE AT AHIRAN STATION The stoppage of all down six (6) passenger trains & oÂÂne express train (13034) at Ahiran station was temporarily withdrawn up to 7.3.2023 has been extended up to 15.3.2023.
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