35 Trains from (NSL)NAGARSOL to (PUNE)PUNE JN
Address: Maharashtra 423403, India
Station Code: NSL
Station Name: NAGARSOL
Zone: SCR/South Central
Train Frequency Weekly: 131
Station Traffic: Medium
Address: Pedestrian Overpass, Pune, Maharashtra 411001, India
Station Code: PUNE
Station Name: PUNE JN
Zone: CR/Central
Train Frequency Weekly: 785
Station Traffic: High
www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-06-14
In order to clear extra rush of passengers during summer season, SCR will run six weekly special trains between Secunderabad - Nagarsol as detailed below: -
1. Train no. 07517/07518 Secunderabad – Nagarsol – Secunderabad Special Trains (06 Services): These special trains will stop at Lingampalli, Shankarpalli, Vikarabad, Zahirabad, Bidar, Bhalki, Udgir, Latur Road, Parli Vaijnath, Gangakher, Parbhani, Manwath Road, Selu, Jalna, Aurangabad and Rotegaon in both the directions. All these special trains will consist of AC II cum III tier, AC II Tier, AC III Tier, Sleeper Class, and General Second-class Coaches 2
www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-06-14
Due to Railway Infrastructure Maintenance works in Secunderabad - Mudkhed &Secunderabad – Dhone sections from 12.06.2023to18.06.2023the following trains areccancelled/rescheduled as follows:
2. Rescheduling:
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