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15 Trains from (BMO)BOLARUM to (GR)GULBARGA

Address: Bolaram, Railway Crossing Road, Bolarum, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500010, India

Station Code: BMO

Station Name: BOLARUM

Zone: SCR/South Central

Train Frequency Weekly: 143

Station Traffic: Medium

Address: Gulbarga Railway Station, Gulbarga City, Karnataka 585102, India

Station Code: GR

Station Name: GULBARGA

Zone: CR/Central

Train Frequency Weekly: 1

Station Traffic: Low

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TrainTrain NameFromDepToArrTimeDaysClassesStatus
57660FM KLBG PASSSNF06:15MR11:565:41M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SUUNRESERVED57660 Status
11020KONARK EXPRESSBMT11:55KLBG16:324:37M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU2A,3A,SL,GN,11020 Status
18519VSKP LTT EXPRESSSC13:05KLBG17:224:17M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU1A,2A,3A,SL,GN,18519 Status
12702HUSSAINSAGAR EXBMT14:55KLBG18:423:47M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU2A,3A,SL,GN,12702 Status
12026PUNE SHATABDIBMT14:55KLBG17:532:58M,W,TH,F,SA,SU1A,CC,12026 Status
17204COA BVC EXPRESSSC15:15KLBG19:224:07TH2A,3A,SL,GN,17204 Status
17018RAJKOT EXPRESSBMT15:25KLBG19:223:57M,TU,SA2A,3A,SL,GN,17018 Status
19201SC PBR EXPBMT15:25KLBG19:223:57W2A,3A,SL,GN,19201 Status
17320SC UBL EXPBMT15:50KLBG20:154:25M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU2A,3A,SL,GN,17320 Status
11308HYB GR EXPHYB16:25KLBG21:154:50M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SUCC,2S,GN,11308 Status
57156HYB KLBG PASSSNF17:41MR22:234:42M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SUUNRESERVED57156 Status
22882BBS PUNE EXPSC17:50KLBG22:174:27TU2A,3A,SL,GN,22882 Status
57130HYB BJP PSGRSNF20:08MR02:366:28M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SUSL,GN,57130 Status
17221COA LTT EXPRESSSC20:25KLBG01:084:43W,SA2A,3A,SL,GN,17221 Status
17032MUMBAI EXPBMT20:51KLBG01:274:36M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU1A,2A,3A,SL,GN,17032 Status
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Annual Conference of Operations department of Central Railway conducted today 24/05/23

Annual Conference of Operations department of Central Railway conducted today 24/05/23

Shri Naresh Lalwani, General Manager, Central Railway addressed the Senior Divisional Operations Manager’s Annual Conference at Mumbai HQ o­n 24.5.2023.

Shri Alok Singh, Additional General Manager and Shri Mukul Jain, Principal Chief Operations Manager, Central Railway were also present. The conference was attended by Heads of Coaching section, Planning section and Goods section of Operations Department of Central Railway and Operations Department Heads of Mumbai, Bhusawal, Nagpur, Pune and Solapur Divisions.

The targets and achievements of upcoming year 2023-24 have been discussed in conference as follows-

1) Goods loading-

In year 2021-22- 76.16 million tonne (MT) goods loading achieved by CR.

In year 2022-23- 81.88 million tonne goods loading achieved by CR.

In year 2023-24- 90.05 million tonne target of goods loading has been set by CR.

2) Coal loading -

Out of above total loading, coal is highest commodity loading.

In 2021-22- 39.52 MT loading done.

In 22-23- 37.17 MT loading done.

In 23-24- target of 40.95 MT coal loading has been set.

3) Cement loading-

In 22-23- 7.48 MT loading achieved.

In 23-24- target of 8.8 MT is set.

Major plants of Cement loading are- ACC/Wadi/Solapur, ACC/Ghuggus/Nagpur, Ultratech cement/Hotgi/Solapur, Orient cement/Bhadli/Bhusawal.

4) New infrastructures lines completed-

-Bhusawal-Jalgaon new 3rd line & 4th line of 24.13 km completed in year 2022-23.

-Jalgaon-Pachora new 3rd line of 47.59 km completed in year 2022-23.

5) New infrastructure lines under progress-

-Nagpur-Wardha 3rd& 4th line

-Bhusawal-khandwa 3rd & 4th line

-3rd line in Nagpur-Etarasi, Bhusawal-Wardha, Jalgaon-Manmad.

6) Parcel loading hubs-

Bhiwandi, Jalgaon, Ajni/Nagpur have been developed as major parcel loading points.

In 2022-23- 312 parcel train loaded with 764759 tonnage and 45.86 Crores revenue earning.

7) Improvement of goods sheds under progress-

It will be completed in this 2023-24 year. Circulating area, lighting, approach road, labour room, merchant room etc will be renewed.

-Mumbai division- Kalamboli

-Bhusawal division- Kasbe Sukane, Borgaon, Khamgaon, Savda, Burhanpur, Nandgaon

-Nagpur- Tadali, Ballarshah, Kalmeshwar, maramjhiri.

-Pune- Nira, Loni,

-Solapur- Vilad, Ahmednagar, Belapur, Daund, Arag.

8) Daily goods train interchange-

In 2021-22- 317 goods trains taken over/handed over daily by CR with other railway zones.

In 22-23- 336 goods train interchange daily by CR. It's 18.4% increase capacity handling.

9) Infrastructural works completed to increase mail express and goods train mobility-

-Electrification completed at Roha yard, Gurumarket yard/Pune div, Solapur yard, Barshi yard/Solapur yard, Bale yard/solapur div.

-OHE Overhead wire new substations completed at- Karad/Pune div, Ausa/Solapur div, Gaudgaon/Solapur div, Nagothane/Mumbai div.

10) Critical bottleneck infrastructure works completed in year 2022-23-

-Daund- Gulbarga doubling

-Wardha- Chitoda 2nd cord line

-Khapri-Nagpur-Godhani- 20 km automatic signalling system.

-Kamshet/pune div- loop lines extention.

--- --- ---

Date: May 24, 2023

PR No.2023/05/25

This press release is issued by the Public Relations Department, Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai.

(Shivraj Manaspure)
Chief Public Relations Officer


PR No. 48 Shri Arun Kumar Jain, General Manager, SCR Inspects of Secunderabad – Medchal MMTS Train Services

Shri Arun Kumar Jain, General Manager, South Central Railway undertook inspection of Secunderabad – Medchal MMTS Train Services today i.e., 3rd May, 2023. He was accompanied by Shri Sharat Chandrayan, Divisional Railway Manager, Hyderabad Division and other senior officials from Headquarters and Division throughout the inspection.

The General Manager commenced the inspection from Secunderabad Railway station by Secunderabad – Medchal MMTS service. He interacted with MMTS passengers all through the journey and enquired about the services and suggestions for improvement of the facilities. Passengers requested the General Manager to increase MMTS services in the section. They expressed happiness over the introduction of MMTS services which is beneficial to students, employees, traders as well as all sections of the people.

 The General Manager also reviewed the amenities available at stations briefly while travelling through enroute stations. He travelled o­n MMTS train service passing through Malkajgiri, Dayanand Nagar, Safilguda, Ramakistapuram, Ammuguda, Cavalry Barracks, Alwal Bolarum, Gundlapochampally, Gowdavalli and Medchal stations. He inspected Medchal station, passenger amenities, booking office, circulating area etc., and discussed o­n plans for development of the Medchal Railway station keeping in view of future needs.

 South Central Railway recently introduced 20 MMTS train services which were being operated between Secunderabad – Medchal. The extension of MMTS Services strengthens the rail connectivity between different parts of the twin cities with Medchal. MMTS is the most cost-effective means of transport in the twin city region passengers, where the minimum fare is Rs. 5 and maximum fare is Rs. 15/- o­nly. As a result, passengers of the new sections like Medchal, Bolarum, Malkajgiri etc will also be able to travel in a safe, secure, faster and economical mode of transportation within the city limits. This will be particularly beneficial to students, commuters, small business people, ladies, employees etc.

Chief Public Relations Officer


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