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Train Schedule & Fare
Solapur jn to Hubli jn | Distance-357Kms | Travel Time 10:30Hrs | Avg Speed 35Km/Hr

Fare Approx

S.noCodeStn NameArr.Dep.HaltDisDay
1SURSOLAPUR JNSource04:4501
6IDRINDI ROAD05:5605:571:00581
12HOHHONAGANAHALLI H07:2407:251:001281
14KGIHKALGURKI H07:4607:471:001421
15KDGIKUDGI H08:0608:071:001481
16BSRXBAGEVADI RD08:1208:131:001531
17ANGRANGADGERI H08:2408:251:001571
19BENLBENAL H08:4308:441:001661
21KSARKUDALA SANGAMA ROAD H09:0909:101:001751
23JRKTJADRAMA KUNTI09:2909:301:001861
24KLMKADLIMATTI H09:3909:401:001911
27GEDGULEDAGUDDA RD10:2910:301:002191
29YGAYARAGOPPA H10:5410:551:002391
31HLARHOLE ALUR11:2211:231:002511
32SMKTSOMAN KATTI11:3411:351:002581
36GDGGADAG JN12:5513:005:002991
42UBLHUBLI JN15:15Destination3571
Popular Station Combinations
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Daily Special trains between Solapur-Dharwar and Solapur-Hubballi

Central Railway
Press Release

Daily Special trains between Solapur-Dharwar and Solapur-Hubballi

Railways will run additional daily special trains between Solapur-Dharwar and Solapur-Hubballi to clear the extra rush of passengers as per details given below:

1.Solapur-Dharwar Special 
07321  Daily special will leave  with effect from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 and arrive Dharwar same day.
07322  Daily special will leave Dharwar with effect from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020  and arrive Solapur next day.
Timings and Halts: Same as 56904/56903  Solapur-Dharwar Passenger except Tadwal, Nimbal, Minchnal, Unkal and Navalur.
Composition: o­ne sleeper class and 10 second class seating.

2.Solapur -Hubballi Special 
07331  Daily special will leave Solapur with effect from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 and arrive Hubballi same day.
07332  Daily special will leave Hubballi with effect from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020  and  arrive Solapur same day.

Timings and HaltsSame as 56906/56905 Solapur-Hubballi Passenger
Composition: o­ne sleeper class and 10 second class seating

Reservation: Bookings for special train no 07321 already open  at all computerised reservation centres and o­n website

For detailed timings at the halts of the above special trains please visit or  download NTES App.

Only passengers having confirmed tickets will be permitted to board these special trains

Passengers are advised to adhere all norms, SOPs related to COVID19 during the boarding, travel and at destination.
--- --- —
Date: December 8, 2020
PR No.2020/12/27
This press release is issued by the Public Relations Department, Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai.

(Shivaji Sutar)
Chief Public Relations Officer

Press Release No. 29804-12-2020

दक्षिण à¤ªà¤¶à¥à¤šà¤¿à¤® à¤°à¥‡à¤²à¤µà¥‡/ SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY

प्रेस à¤µà¤¿à¤œà¥à¤žà¤ªà¥à¤¤à¤¿/ Press Release No. 298  Dt: 04.12.2020      


Responding to public demand South Western Railway has decided to run following 28 additional special express trains with normal fare with effect from the date mentioned against each as detailed below. The following trains will be immensely helpful to commuters of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa:-

1.Train No. 06233/06234 Mysuru -  Chamarajanagar  - Mysuru Daily Express Special will run  from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 from both sides:-

The timings and stoppages of the trains will be same as of Train No. 56210/56209 Mysuru -  Chamarajanagar  - Mysuru Passenger.

The train will have composition of o­nE 1st AC Coach, o­nE AC 2-Tier Coach, TWO AC 3-Tier Coaches, ELEVEN Second Class Sleeper Coaches, FOUR General Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Class Luggage cum Brake-Vans.

2.Train No. 07322/07321 Dharwad -  Solapur  - Dharwad Daily Express Special will run from Dharwad from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 and from Solapur  from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 :-


The timings and stoppages of the trains will be same as of Train No. 56904/56903 Dharwad -  Solapur  - Dharwad Passenger except Unkal, Navalur, Minchnal, Nimbal, Tadwal.


The train will have composition of 11coaches comprising of ONE Second Class Sleeper Coach, EIGHT General Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Class Luggage cum Brake-Vans.


3.Train No. 07332/07331 Hubballi -  Solapur  - Hubballi Daily Express Special will run from Hubballi from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 and from Solapur  from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 :-

The timings and stoppages of the trains will be same as of Train No. 56906/56905 Hubballi -  Solapur  - Hubballi Passenger.


The train will have composition of 11 coaches comprising of ONE Second Class Sleeper Coach, EIGHT General Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Class Luggage cum Brake-Vans.



4.Train No. 06207/06208 Yesvantpur – Hosapete - Yesvantpur Daily Express Special will run from Yesvantpur from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 and from Hosapete from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 :-


The timings and stoppages of the trains will be same as of Train No. 56909/56910 KSR Bengaluru -  Hosapete  - KSR Bengaluru Passenger except Malleswaram, Dodbele, Ammasandra, Ramgiri, Thallak from both sides. Train No 06208 Hosapete - Yesvantpur Daily Express Special will also not stop at Amritapura.


The train will have composition of 9 coaches comprising of THREE Second Class Sleeper Coaches FOUR General Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Class Luggage cum Brake-Vans.

5.Train No. 07341/07342 Vasco Da Gama – Kulem – Vasco Da Gama Daily Express Special will run from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 from both sides:-

The timings and stoppages of the trains will be same as of Train No. 56961/56962 Vasco Da Gama – Kulem – Vasco Da GamaPassenger.


The train will have composition of 9 coaches comprising of SEVEN General Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Class Luggage cum Brake-Vans.

6.Train No. 07343/07344 Vasco Da Gama – Kulem – Vasco Da Gama Daily Express Special will run from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 from both sides:-

The timings and stoppages of the trains will be same as  of Train No. 56965/56966 Vasco Da Gama – Kulem – Vasco Da GamaPassenger.

The train will have composition of 9 coaches comprising of SEVEN General Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Class Luggage cum Brake-Vans.

7.Train No. 06203/06204 Yesvantpur – Hassan – Yesvantpur Daily Superfast Intercity will run from Yesvantpur  from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 and from Hassan from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020:-

The timings and stoppages of the trains will be same as  of Train No. 22679/22680 Yesvantpur – Hassan – Yesvantpur Express.


The train will have composition of 18 coaches comprising of ONE ACExecutive Chair Car, NINE Chair Cars, SIX Second Class Coaches and TWO Luggage cum Brake-Vans with Generator.

8.Train No. 06201/06202 Mysuru – KSR Bengaluru – Mysuru Daily Superfast Express  will run from Mysuru from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 and from KSR Bengaluru from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020:-

The timings and stoppages of the trains will be same as of Train No. 12613/12614 Mysuru – KSR Bengaluru – Mysuru Express.


The train will have a composition of 18 coaches comprising of ONE ACExecutive Chair Car, EIGHTEEN Chair Cars.

9.Train No. 02725/02726  KSR Bengaluru-Dharwad-KSR Bengaluru Daily Superfast Intercity Express Special will run with effect from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 from Bengaluru and from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 from Dharwad.

The timings and stoppages will be same as of Train No. 12725/12726 KSR Bengaluru-Dharwad-KSR Bengaluru Intercity Express. 

The train composition will have 21 coaches comprising of o­nE AC Chair Car coach, EIGHTEEN Second class chair car coaches  and TWO Second Luggage-cum-Brakevan coaches.

10.Train No. 06589/06590  KSR Bengaluru-Miraj - KSR Bengaluru Daily Express Special will run with effect from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 from Bengaluru and from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 from Miraj.

The timings will be same as that of Train No.16589/16590 KSR Bengaluru-Kolhapur -KSR Bengaluru Rani Chennamma Express upto Miraj. The stoppages will be same as that of Train No.16589/16590 KSR Bengaluru-Kolhapur -KSR Bengaluru Rani Chennamma Express upto Miraj except Ammasandra.

The train composition will have 18 coaches comprising of o­nE First Class AC Coach, o­nE AC 2-tier Coach, o­nE AC 3-tier Coach, TEN Sleeper Coaches, THREE Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Luggage-cum-Brakevan coaches.

11.Train No. 06227/06228 Mysuru – Talguppa - Mysuru Daily Express Special will run with effect from 09.12.2020 to 18.12.2020 from Mysuru and 10.12.2020 to 19.12.2020 from Talguppa.

The timings will be same as that of Train No. 16227/16228 Mysuru-Talguppa-Mysuru Express. The stoppages will be same as that of Train No. 16227/16228 Mysuru-Talguppa-Mysuru Express except Shrirangapatna, Hanakere, Settihally, Hejjala and Byadarahalli for T.No. 06227 and Hanakere, Byadarahalli, Malleswaram and Shrirangapatna for T.No. 06228. 

The train composition will have 18 coaches comprising of  o­nE First Class AC Coach, o­nE AC 2-tier Coach, TWO AC 3-tier Coaches, EIGHT Sleeper Coaches, FOUR Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Luggage-cum-Brakevan coaches.

12.Train No. 06529/06530 KSR Bengaluru-Talguppa-KSR Bengaluru Daily Superfast Intercity Express Special will run with effect from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 from Bengaluru and from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 from Talguppa.

The timings and  stoppages will be same as that of Train No. 20651/20652 KSR Bengaluru-Talguppa -KSR Bengaluru Intercity Express. 

The train composition will have 21 coaches comprising of o­nE AC Chair Car coach, EIGHTEEN Second class chair car coaches  and TWO Second Luggage-cum-Brakevan coaches.

13.Train No. 07307/07308 Mysuru - Bagalkot - Mysuru Daily Express Special will run with effect from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 from Mysuru and from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020 from Bagalkot.

The timings will be same as that of Train No. 17307/17308 Mysuru-Bagalkot -Mysuru Express.  The stoppages will be same as that of Train No. 17307/17308 Mysuru-Bagalkot -Mysuru Express except Nimbal.

The train composition will have 19 coaches comprising of  o­nE AC 2-tier Coach, TWO AC 3-tier Coaches, NINE Sleeper Coaches, FIVE Second Class Coaches and TWO Second Luggage-cum-Brakevan coaches.

14.Train No. 07337/07338 Hubballi – Ballari – Hubballi Daily Express Special will run from Hubballi from 07.12.2020 to 16.12.2020 and from Ballari from 08.12.2020 to 17.12.2020:- COMMENTS

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