23 Trains from (JIND)JIND JN to (JHL)JAKHAL JN
Address: Jind, Haryana, India
Station Code: JIND
Station Name: JIND JN
Zone: NR/Northern
Train Frequency Weekly: 345
Station Traffic: High
Address: Jakhal Railway Station, Haryana 125133, India
Station Code: JHL
Station Name: JAKHAL JN
Zone: NR/Northern
Train Frequency Weekly: 246
Station Traffic: High
To Check Ticket Availibility Click Classes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-04-27
·Officials from Railway Board, SCR and Other Zonal Railways also participated in the meeting. ·Representatives from leading Cement Manufactures also participated in the meeting. A national level meeting of Officials from Indian Railways &representatives from Cement Industry was organised today i.e., oÂÂn Saturday 22nd April 2023 at Hotel ITC Kakatiya. The meeting was organised by Cement Manufacturers association.Shri. Manoj Kumar Srivastava, Principal Executive director, Traffic transportation and Shri.KamleshkumarMishra , Executive director, Business development participated from Railway Board, New Delhi. Shri.Raveen Kumar Reddy, Principal Chief Commercial Manager, Shri. B Nagya, Principal Chief Operations Manager, South Central Railway along with other team of officials from Railway Board, SCR, Western railway and CONCOR also participated in this meeting. 2
www.nr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-03-25
Cancellation of trains It is notified for the information of the general public that due to operational reasons , the following passenger trains shall remain cancelled from25.03.2023 to 23.05.2023 as under:-
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