14 Trains from (RBD)RAHIMABAD to (ROZA)ROZA JN
Address: Uttar Pradesh 226103, India
Station Code: RBD
Station Name: RAHIMABAD
Zone: NR/Northern
Train Frequency Weekly: 69
Station Traffic: Medium
Address: Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Station Code: ROZA
Station Name: ROZA JN
Zone: NR/Northern
Train Frequency Weekly: 181
Station Traffic: High
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www.nr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-03-17
New Delhi Date 17.03.2023 Change in timings of the trains It is notified for the information of the general public that due to operational reasons, the timings of the following trains at the following station shall be revised as under: Timings of train 14163 PRAYAGRAJ JN. – MEERUT CITY SANGAM EXPRESS FROM JCO-19/03/2023
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www.nr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-02-27
New Delhi Date 27.02.2022 Cancellation of trains due to operational reasons It is notified for the information of the general public that due to, the following passenger trains will remain cancelled as under:-
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