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Train Schedule & Fare
Guwahati to New bongaigaon | Distance-157Kms | Travel Time 5:15Hrs | Avg Speed 31Km/Hr

Fare Approx

S.noCodeStn NameArr.Dep.HaltDisDay
5RNYRANGIYA JN10:0210:042:00481
12BPRDBARPETA ROAD11:2711:292:001121
13SBESORBHOG JN11:4011:411:001201
17NBQNEW BONGAIGAON13:25Destination1571
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28072019/264 16-08-2019
NFR earmarked portion of coach for women passenger

With a view to provide better safety and security to women passenger who normally used to travel by passenger trains either alone or with minors, NFR has started earmarking a portion of the SLR coach with Pink colour. This special colour will help the women passenger to easily identify the coach in the platform even during rush hours.

SLR coaches with especially Pink coloured portion for lady passengers were placed into operation by the Rangiya Division of NFR in passenger trains bearing number55817 / 55818, 55803 / 55804 and 55809 / 55810 which run between New Bongaigaon and Guwahati. Similar earmarking has also been done in passenger train no 55895 / 55896 which runs between Rangiya and Murkongselek.

In some trains depending o­n the nature of the coach the same has been earmarked both for Lady passengers as well as Divyangjan.

NFR hopes that this new initiative will prove to be immensely beneficial for safety and security to women passenger. NFR would also like to appeal to all women passenger to use the earmarked coach if such need arises. Railway authority will also deploy RPF and Ticket Checking staff for the next few days to stabilise the new system.

NFR authority hopes that the new initiative will be well supported by all section of passengers.

(Pranav Jyoti Sharma)

More than 1300 additional berths provided

In line with the effort to provide more berths to railway passenger of N.E. Region, N.F. Railway has augmented the capacity of some passenger carrying trains o­n permanent basis by adding various types of coaches. These passenger trains are presently running with full capacity. Additional coaches will also enable more and more local people to travel in passenger trains thereby providing a low cost option of travelling in short distance destinations.

Details of all the additional coaches which have been added permanently during this month are given below:

One AC 3 tier coach has been added in the 55615 / 55616 Guwahati – Silchar – Guwahati Fast passenger train w.e.f. 6th May, 2019. So 64 additional AC berths have been created.

3(three) General second Class coaches have been added in the 55803 / 55804 passenger, 55809 / 55810 passenger and 55817 / 55818 passenger trains running between New Bongaigaon and Guwahati w.e.f. 25th May 2019. So 270 numbers of additional seats are now available in these passenger trains.

4 (four) General second Class coaches have been added in the 55893 / 55894 passenger and 55895 / 55896 passenger trains running between Rangapara and Rangiya w.e.f. 25thMay 2019. 360 new seats are now additionally available in this trains.

4 (four) General second Class coaches and o­ne Luggage van have been added in the 55681 / 55682 passenger and 55683 / 55684 passenger trains running between Agartala and Garjee w.e.f. 25th May 2019. 400 new seats are now additionally available for passenger of these trains.

1 (one) General second Class coaches has  been added in the 55679 / 55680 passenger train running between Agartala and Dharmanagar w.e.f. 25th May 2019. 90 seats are now additionally available for passenger of this train.

1 (one) AC 3 tier coach has been added in the 15715 / 15716 Kishanganj – Ajmer Garib Nawaj Express train from Kishanganj w.e.f. 14th May, 2019. So 64 additional AC berths are now available for passenger of this train.

1 (one) AC 3 tier coach has been added in the 15721 / 15722 New Jalpaiguri – Digha Express train from New Jalpaiguri w.e.f. 17th May, 2019. 64 additional AC berths are now available for passenger of this train.

It may be mentioned here that depending o­n demand and feasibility, N.F. Railway has been adding coaches both o­n permanent as well as o­n temporary basis. These are in addition to the numerous special trains that are being run to clear rush of passenger. During last year (2018-19) N.F. Railway added 28 coaches o­n permanent basis in various trains apart from adding 302 coaches o­n temporary basis. Adding of these coaches helped to manage the rush of passenger to a great extent. 

(Pranav Jyoti Sharma)


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