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Address: New Village Road, Silbharal, Changsari, Assam 781101, India

Station Code: CGS)CHANGSAR


Zone: NFR/Northeast Frontier

Total Unique Trains: 14

Train Frequency Weekly: 71

Station Traffic: Medium

Print Table

To Check Ticket Availibility Click Classes
TrainTrain NameArrDepHaltDaysClasses
15618DONYI POLO EXP03:3503:372M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU1A,2A,3A,SL,GN
15927RNY DBRG EXPRESS06:0806:091M,TU,F,SA2S,GN
15967RNY DBRG EXPRESS06:0806:091W,TH,SU2S,GN
15968DBRG RNY EXPRESS19:2119:221M,TH,F2S,GN
15617DONYI POLO EXP21:5621:582M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU1A,2A,3A,SL,GN
TrainTrain NameArrDepHaltDaysClasses


N.F. Railway running Kisan Rail trains Aimed to help farmers and transporters

N.F. Railway has been running Kisan rail trains to and from NE Region aiming to help local farmers and producers apart from transporters. It is an initiative by Indian Railways to boost the income of farmers by moving perishables like fruits and vegetables from production/surplus regions to consumption/deficient regions. Indian Railways, with its pan-India network, forms an integral part of the government plan to raise incomes in farm sector by encouraging transportation by rail. This initiative is helping farmers/small aggregators/co-operative society benefit from swift transportation of their products across the country through Rail.

It may be mentioned here that as per the announcement made in the Union Budget 2020-21, Indian Railways has started running Kisan Rail train services, to transport perishables and agri-product.

The first Kisan Rail train was flagged-off o­n 07.08.2020 between Devlali (Maharastra) and Danapur (Bihar). These Kisan Rail trains are run o­n time-tabled paths, and their punctuality is strictly being monitored to avoid any en-route detentions and delays. This is multi-commodity, multi-consignor/consignee, multi-loading/unloading transportation product which is aimed at providing wider market to our Kisans. There is no minimum limit o­n quantity that can be booked, enabling small farmers to reach bigger and distant markets.

Perishable fruits like Mango, Banana, Guava, Kiwi, Litchi, Papaya, Mousambi, Orange, Mandarin (a variety of orange), Kinnow, Lime, Lemon, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Jackfruit, Apple, Almond, Passion fruit, Pear, Sweet Potato and similar items can be easily transported.

Perishable vegetables like French beans, Bitter Gourd, Brinjal, Capsicum, Carrot, Cauliflower,Chillies (Green), Okra, Cucumber, Peas, Garlic, o­nion, Potato, Tomato, Large Cardamom, Pumpkin, Ginger, Cabbage, Squash, Turmeric (dry), Turmeric (raw) and similar items can be easily transported.

Agro-products like Bamboo, Rubber, and Betel nuts, Raw-turmeric, Black Pepper, Mustard, Soybean, Tea and Mandarin (Orange variety) can be transported through Kisan Rail from NE Region.

50% subsidy in freight, which is borne by Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), is being granted o­n transportation of fruits and vegetables through Kisan Rail services.

Presently the destinations like Agartala, Dimapur, Changsari, New Guwahati, Jorhat Town, Azara, Tinsukia are being covered by “Kisan Rail” in Northeast Frontier Railway. For detail information o­ne can contact 1) Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager/Katihar : 9771441950; 2) Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager/Alipurduar : 9002052950; 3) Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager/Rangiya : 9957554950; 4) Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager/Lumding : 9957553950; 5) Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager/Tinsukia : 9957555950; 6) Dy.CCM/Rates/Maligaon: 9957550953 7) Area Manager/Badarpur: 9957553901 or 7) Asst. Commercial Manager/Guwahati: 9957553954

Northeast Frontier Railway hopes that active support & cooperation of all stake holders will lead to increase in the income of farmers in very near future.

(Guneet Kaur)

Central Railway consolidates its position of highest parcel revenue earnings on Indian Railways - Generates a revenue of 143.94 crores in parcel traffic during April-21 to September-21

Central Railway

Press Release


Central Railway consolidates its position of highest parcel revenue earnings o­n Indian Railways

Generates a revenue of 143.94 crores in parcel traffic during April-21 to September-21

Central Railway has attained the number o­ne position in parcel revenue among all the Zonal Railways.Central Railway continues to hold the number o­ne position in parcel traffic from June 2021 o­nwards.Central Railway has earned 29.43 Cr for the month of September 2021 which is highest in Indian Railways.Parcel revenue stood at Rs. 143.94 Cr upto September 2021-22 which is 283% more than the revenue of corresponding period of last year.The tonnage transported upto September is 3.28 Lakh tons.


The growth in parcel traffic is mainly driven by successful running of Kisan Rails carrying perishable traffic from the area to the far-flung markets of the country. Since the inception of Kisan Rail, 625 trips of Kisan Rails have been run, transporting 2,18,392 tonnes.


Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti, General Manager, Central Railway said that parcel transportation by rail is the safest, quickest and the most environment- friendly option available for customers.He said that the Central Railway has been consistent in transportation of parcels in spite of the Covid-19 situation. He also said Kisan Rail has proved to be a big success story which has greatly benefited farmers, small and medium entrepreneurs.


The traffic in Kisan Rails is mainly from Sangola, Manmad, Nashik, Bhusawal, Raver, Savda to Danapur, Muzaffarpur, Delhi (Adarshnagar), Shalimar etc.Pomegranate, grapes, lemon, capsicum from Solapur region, Flowers from Latur and Osmanabad region, o­nions from Nashik region, Bananas from Bhusawal region, Oranges from Nagpur region and other fruits & vegetables reached distant markets like Delhi, Bihar, West Bengal quickly and freshly through Kisan Rail. This has greatly benefited the farmers of the area, yielding good revenue with bigger markets, good price for the produce, quick transportation, and minimum wastage. Kisan Rail has become an engine of growth & prosperity for the people of rural Maharashtra.


Recently, a new lease contract of Parcel Cargo Express Train has been awarded between Godhani (Nagpur) to New Tinsukia for a period of six years with a revenue potential of Rs. 52 Cr.A time tabled Parcel Special Train is also running between Mumbai to Shalimar carrying 350 tons of parcels daily and generating revenue of approx. Rs. 20.28 Cr during the current year. Rail milk tankers being transported between Nagpur to Delhi generated a revenue of Rs. 91 Lakhs upto Sep 2021-22.

Central Railway is also planning to run a dedicated Parcel cargo express service between Bhiwandi Road to Azra.Tenders for Parcel Cargo Express Train have also been invited from Jalgaon to Changsari and Sankrail.

Performance of divisions in parcels has been very encouraging. Mumbai division is leading in parcel revenue by generating Rs. 53.34 Cr. followed by Bhusawal division of Rs. 44.23 Cr.Solapur division has led the way in incremental traffic by achieving a percentage growth of 977% with revenue of Rs. 25.38 Cr. against Rs. 2.36 Cr during corresponding period of last year. Sangola in Solapur division has become a hub for Kisan Rail.22 new stations were opened for Parcel traffic during the last o­ne and a half year including 19 stations during Covid period of last year.

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Date: October 14, 2021

PR No. 2021/10/23

This press release is issued by the Public Relations Department, Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai

(Shivaji Sutar)
Chief Public Relations Officer


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