39 Trains from (TPZ)TAPRI to (MNZ)MANANI
Address: Tapri, Saharanpur Nangal Road, Uttar Pradesh 247001, India
Station Code: TPZ
Station Name: TAPRI
Zone: NR/Northern
Train Frequency Weekly: 214
Station Traffic: High
Address: State Highway 57 Uttar Pradesh
Station Code: MNZ
Station Name: Manani
Zone: NR/Northern
Train Frequency Weekly: 67
Station Traffic: Medium
www.er.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-05-25
TRAFFIC & POWER BLOCK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LIMITED HEIGHT SUBWAY OVER NORTHERN RAILWAY Kolkata, May 24, 2023: For construction of Limited Height Subway in Hapur-Ghaziabad section over Northern Railway, Traffic & Power Block has been planned on 28.05.2023(Sunday). Consequently, 14003 Malda Town-New Delhi Express (journey commencing on 27.05.2023) will be diverted via Moradabad-Tapri-Ghaziabad. Inconvenience to be caused to the passengers is deeply regretted. 2
www.nr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-05-17
New Delhi Dated 17.05.2023 Cancellation /Short Termination/ Short Origination/Diversion / Rescheduling of trains due to traffic block on Moradabad- Saharanpur Section It is notified for the information of the general public that due to traffic block for non- interlocking work at Chodiala Station in connection with commissioning of additional loop line station on Moradabad- Saharanpur section,the following trains shall remain temporarily cancelled/short terminated/short originate /diverted/ rescheduled as under:- ⮚Cancellation of trains
⮚Rescheduling of trains
⮚Short Termination/Origination of trains
⮚Diversion of train
⮚Regulation of trains
Trains already Cancelled/Diverted due to 08.30 hrs. block in Saharanpur Yard
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