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15 Trains from (KWV)KURDUVADI to (JEUR)JEUR

Address: Kurduvadi Railway Station, Kurduvadi, Maharashtra 413208, India

Station Code: KWV

Station Name: KURDUVADI

Zone: CR/Central

Train Frequency Weekly: 340

Station Traffic: High

Address: Jeur, Maharashtra 413202, India

Station Code: JEUR

Station Name: JEUR

Zone: CR/Central

Train Frequency Weekly: 116

Station Traffic: Medium

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TrainTrain NameFromDepToArrTimeDaysClassesStatus
17032MUMBAI EXPKEM05:30JEUR05:430:13M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU1A,2A,3A,SL,GN,17032 Status
11406AMI PUNE EXPKWV09:40JEUR10:040:24M,SA2A,3A,SL,GN,11406 Status
11002PVR SNSI EXPKEM14:40JEUR14:590:19TU,TH,SUUNRESERVED11002 Status
12170PUNE INTERCITYKWV15:00JEUR15:290:29M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SUCC,2S,GN,12170 Status
01156PVR NAVI SPECIALKWV17:35JEUR18:200:45SA,SU3A,SL,GN,01156 Status
01154PVR KMN SPECIALKWV17:35JEUR18:200:45M,SU3A,SL,GN,01154 Status
51028FAST PASSENGERMLB17:55JEUR19:081:13F,SA,SUSL,GN,51028 Status
51030BJP BB FAST PASKWV18:40JEUR19:080:28M,TU,W,THSL,GN,51030 Status
11028MUMBAI MAILKEM19:56JEUR20:140:18M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU2A,3A,SL,GN,11028 Status
21028MUMBAI MAILKEM19:56JEUR20:130:17M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SUSL,GN,21028 Status
12116SIDDHESWAR EXPMA23:32JEUR00:240:52M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU1A,2A,3A,SL,GN,12116 Status
01150PVR BSL SPLKWV23:40JEUR00:200:40FSL,GN,01150 Status
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Special trains between Mumbai-Hyderabad-Pune

Special trains between Mumbai-Hyderabad-Pune
Railways have decided to run special trains between Mumbai-Hyderabad-Pune to clear the extra rush of passengers as per details given below:

01137 will depart Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai at 00.30 hrs o­n 10.05.2023 and will arrive Hyderabad at 18.30 hrs the same day.

01138 will depart Hyderabad at 20.35 hrs o­n 10.05.2023 and will arrive at Pune at 12.05 hrs the next day.

Halts: Dadar, Thane, Kalyan, Lonavala (only for 01137); Pune, Daund, Kurduvadi, Barsi, Usmanabad, Latur, Latur Road, Udgir, Bhalki, Bidar, Zahirabad, Vikarabad, Lingampalli and Begampet.

Composition: One AC Chair Car, 13 General Second Class including 2 Guard’s Brake Vans with 6 open for booking

Reservation: Bookings for special trains No 01137/01138 is already open at all computerized reservation centres and o­n website

For detailed timings and halts please visit or download NTES App.

Passengers are advised to follow COVID appropriate behaviour for their and other’s safety.
--- ---
Date: May 9, 2023
PR No.2023/05/09
This press release is issued by the Public Relations Department, Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai

(Shivaji Sutar)
Chief Public Relations Officer

Special Trains between Pune and Amravati via Kurduwadi, Latur, Purna

Special Trains between Pune and Amravati via Kurduwadi, Latur, Purna

Central Railway will run special trains between Pune and Amravati via Kurduwadi, Latur, Purna to clear the extra rush of passengers as per details given below:

01439 special will Pune at 22.50 hrs o­n every Friday and Sunday from 16.12.2022 to 26.02.2023 and will arrive Amravati at 17.30 hrs next day.

01440 special will leave Amravati at 19.50 hrs every Saturday and Monday from 17.12.2022 to 27.02.2023 and will arrive Pune at 16.20 hrs next day.

Halts: Uruli, Daund Jn, Jinti Road, Jeur, Kurduwadi Jn, Barsi Town, Osmanabad, Latur, Latur Road, Parli Vaijnath, Parbhani Jn, Purna Jn, Basmat, Hingoli, Washim, Akola Jn, Murtizapur Jn, and Badnera Jn.

Composition: o­ne First AC , o­ne AC-2 Tier ,Two AC-3 Tier, 5 Sleeper Class, 8 General Second Class coaches including two Guard’s Brake Vans.

Reservation: Bookings for 01439/01440 special trains o­n special charges will open o­n 04.12.2022 at all PRS locations and o­n website

For detailed timings at halts of these special trains please visit or download NTES App

Passengers are advised to follow COVID appropriate behaviour for their and other’s safety.
--- --- ---
Date: December 03, 2022
PR No. 2022/12/14
This press release is issued by the Public Relations Department, Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai.

(Shivaji Sutar)
Chief Public Relations Officer


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