Address: Tangeda Rd,Phone Number : 08649-211020 Andhra Pradesh
Station Code: TMLU
Station Name: Tummalacheruvu
Zone: SCoR/South Coast
Train Frequency Weekly: 47
Station Traffic: Low
Address: Phone Number :- 9441901915, Tangeda Rd Andhra Pradesh
Station Code: PDGL
Station Name: Pondugula
Zone: SCoR/South Coast
Train Frequency Weekly: 33
Station Traffic: Low
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www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-04-27
The stoppages for the following trains running through Guntur Division of SCR will be restored with effect from 24.04.2023as detailed below:- Restoration of Stoppages:
(Ch.Rakesh) Chief Public Relations Officer 2
www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-02-02
The Gati-Shakti Multi Modal Cargo Terminal (GCT) policy has been introduced by Indian Railways with a view to boost investment from industry in development of additional terminals for handling Rail cargos. These terminals will ease the handling of freight commodities for transportation by Rail with enhanced facilities duly providing safe and secure transportation. A new Gati Shakti Multi Modal Cargo Terminal today i.e., 31st January, 2023 by M/s Chettinad Cement Corporation Pvt Ltd (CCTC). This newly opened goods terminal is served by Tummalacheruvu station oÂÂn Guntur-Nadikudi section of Guntur Division. CCTC terminal is located 5 .1 km away from the Tummalacheruvu Railway station. This goods terminal is opened for handling outward traffic of Cement and Clinker. Inward commodities being dealt at this terminal is Coal oÂÂnly. With the commissioning of CCTC, first mile transportation cost to serving station and pollution is avoided besides getting the following benefits for the owners of Gati Shakti Cargo Terminals. Benefits of Gati-Shakti Terminals (GCTs): Ø Maintenance and operations of assets like track, signal and telecom, over-head equipment shall be borne by the Railways Ø Staff costs (Commercial staff deployed at GCT) will be borne by Railways Ø No terminal charges shall be levied oÂÂn cargo for which GCTO himself is the consignor and /or consignee. Ø No Terminal access charges will be levied for rakes of privately owned wagons handled at GCTs built oÂÂn non-Railway land. The first rake from CCTC terminal having 59 BOXN wagons (4000 tns app) is being loaded with clinker today and will be moved to M/s Chettinadu Cement Corporation Ltd, Solapur fetching Guntur Division freight revenue of Rs.36 lakhs. Shri Arun Kumar Jain, General Manager, SCR appreciated the efforts of Guntur division in establishing the Gati Shakti terminal at Tummalacheruvu. He stated that establishing Gati Shakti terminals will boost the freight loading capability of Railways and will provide free access to the customers.
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