13 Trains from (JK)JAKOLARI to (VKA)VERKA JN
Address: Jhako Lahri, Punjab 145025, India Punjab
Station Code: JK
Station Name: Jakolari
Zone: NR/Northern
Train Frequency Weekly: 73
Station Traffic: Medium
Address: Verka Junction Railway Station, Amritsar, Punjab 143501, India
Station Code: VKA
Station Name: VERKA JN
Zone: NR/Northern
Train Frequency Weekly: 157
Station Traffic: High
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www.nr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-05-24
New Delhi Dated 24.05.2023 Cancellation /Short Termination/ Short Origination/ Rescheduling of trains due to traffic block on Bharoli and Sujanpur section over Ferozpur Division It is notified for the information of the general public that due to traffic block at Bahmane Bari Station in connection with Launching of FOB, the following trains shall remain temporarily cancelled/short terminated/short originate / rescheduled as under:- Cancellation of trains:-
Short Termination of trains:-
Short Origination of trains:-
Rescheduling of trains:-
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