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8 Trains from (NIRA)NIRA to (LNN)LONAND

Address: Nira Railway Station, Indraprastha Road, Nira (R.S.), Maharashtra 412102, India

Station Code: NIRA

Station Name: NIRA

Zone: CR/Central

Train Frequency Weekly: 67

Station Traffic: Medium

Address: Lonand Railway Station, Maharashtra 415521, India

Station Code: LNN

Station Name: LONAND

Zone: CR/Central

Train Frequency Weekly: 68

Station Traffic: Medium

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TrainTrain NameFromDepToArrTimeDaysClassesStatus
11040MAHARASHTRA EXPNIRA06:30LNN06:390:09M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU2A,3A,SL,GN,11040 Status
15018GKP LTT EXPNIRA06:30LNN06:390:09M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU2A,3A,SL,GN,15018 Status
11029KOYNA EXPRESSNIRA14:25LNN14:340:09M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SUCC,2S,GN,11029 Status
11023SAHYADRI EXPRESNIRA23:55LNN00:030:08M,TU,W,TH,F,SA,SU2A,3A,SL,GN,11023 Status
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Annual Conference of Operations department of Central Railway conducted today 24/05/23

Annual Conference of Operations department of Central Railway conducted today 24/05/23

Shri Naresh Lalwani, General Manager, Central Railway addressed the Senior Divisional Operations Manager’s Annual Conference at Mumbai HQ o­n 24.5.2023.

Shri Alok Singh, Additional General Manager and Shri Mukul Jain, Principal Chief Operations Manager, Central Railway were also present. The conference was attended by Heads of Coaching section, Planning section and Goods section of Operations Department of Central Railway and Operations Department Heads of Mumbai, Bhusawal, Nagpur, Pune and Solapur Divisions.

The targets and achievements of upcoming year 2023-24 have been discussed in conference as follows-

1) Goods loading-

In year 2021-22- 76.16 million tonne (MT) goods loading achieved by CR.

In year 2022-23- 81.88 million tonne goods loading achieved by CR.

In year 2023-24- 90.05 million tonne target of goods loading has been set by CR.

2) Coal loading -

Out of above total loading, coal is highest commodity loading.

In 2021-22- 39.52 MT loading done.

In 22-23- 37.17 MT loading done.

In 23-24- target of 40.95 MT coal loading has been set.

3) Cement loading-

In 22-23- 7.48 MT loading achieved.

In 23-24- target of 8.8 MT is set.

Major plants of Cement loading are- ACC/Wadi/Solapur, ACC/Ghuggus/Nagpur, Ultratech cement/Hotgi/Solapur, Orient cement/Bhadli/Bhusawal.

4) New infrastructures lines completed-

-Bhusawal-Jalgaon new 3rd line & 4th line of 24.13 km completed in year 2022-23.

-Jalgaon-Pachora new 3rd line of 47.59 km completed in year 2022-23.

5) New infrastructure lines under progress-

-Nagpur-Wardha 3rd& 4th line

-Bhusawal-khandwa 3rd & 4th line

-3rd line in Nagpur-Etarasi, Bhusawal-Wardha, Jalgaon-Manmad.

6) Parcel loading hubs-

Bhiwandi, Jalgaon, Ajni/Nagpur have been developed as major parcel loading points.

In 2022-23- 312 parcel train loaded with 764759 tonnage and 45.86 Crores revenue earning.

7) Improvement of goods sheds under progress-

It will be completed in this 2023-24 year. Circulating area, lighting, approach road, labour room, merchant room etc will be renewed.

-Mumbai division- Kalamboli

-Bhusawal division- Kasbe Sukane, Borgaon, Khamgaon, Savda, Burhanpur, Nandgaon

-Nagpur- Tadali, Ballarshah, Kalmeshwar, maramjhiri.

-Pune- Nira, Loni,

-Solapur- Vilad, Ahmednagar, Belapur, Daund, Arag.

8) Daily goods train interchange-

In 2021-22- 317 goods trains taken over/handed over daily by CR with other railway zones.

In 22-23- 336 goods train interchange daily by CR. It's 18.4% increase capacity handling.

9) Infrastructural works completed to increase mail express and goods train mobility-

-Electrification completed at Roha yard, Gurumarket yard/Pune div, Solapur yard, Barshi yard/Solapur yard, Bale yard/solapur div.

-OHE Overhead wire new substations completed at- Karad/Pune div, Ausa/Solapur div, Gaudgaon/Solapur div, Nagothane/Mumbai div.

10) Critical bottleneck infrastructure works completed in year 2022-23-

-Daund- Gulbarga doubling

-Wardha- Chitoda 2nd cord line

-Khapri-Nagpur-Godhani- 20 km automatic signalling system.

-Kamshet/pune div- loop lines extention.

--- --- ---

Date: May 24, 2023

PR No.2023/05/25

This press release is issued by the Public Relations Department, Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai.

(Shivraj Manaspure)
Chief Public Relations Officer

WR Press Release No. 2023/05 09-05-2023



Photo caption: Shri Niraj Verma – Divisional Railway Manager of Mumbai Division felicitated the winners of “My Station My Pride” cleanliness campaign.

            Western Railway’s Mumbai Division had conceptualized a novel idea to spark awareness of cleanliness through social media platforms. “My Station My Pride” contest/campaign was hosted by Mumbai Division from 15th March to 30th April, 2023, inviting short videos from participants. Out of the shortlisted videos, top three popular videos which garnered maximum likes were adjudged as winners. o­n 9th May, 2023, the winners were felicitated by Shri Niraj Verma – Divisional Railway Manager of Mumbai Division. o­n this occasion, several senior railway officers were also present.

            According to a press release issued by Shri Sumit Thakur – Chief Public Relations Officer of Western Railway, people from all walks of life were encouraged to make and send short videos o­n how they can contribute towards the cleanliness of railway stations as well as trains. The contest recorded an overwhelming response from participants and a total of 129 videos were submitted. After thorough examination and scrutiny of the videos, o­n the basis of predefined selection parameters, a total of 73 videos were filtered and uploaded o­n the official social media accounts of Western Railway and DRM Mumbai Central viz. YouTube, Instagram, KOO and Twitter for a period of 15 days. Based o­n the maximum likes received o­n all social media platforms, three of these videos were selected as winning entries to the contest. The contents have been selected through proper scrutiny and duly eliminating contents with fake likes. The widespread popularity of the contest through social media helped in achieving the true essence of conveying the important message of keeping railway stations and trains clean and hygienic. Ms. Shreyasi Gupta secured the first position for her video which garnered 1,232 likes across all social media platforms, Mr. Vivekanand Ingle won the second position for his video which got 922 likes and Mr. Ajay Patil won the third position for his video which got 672 likes. The winners were felicitated with appreciation certificates & cash prize.

At the outset, DRM welcomed all the invitees and appreciated the contributions of the winners for making the contest successful. DRM interacted with them and was greatly influenced by their positive approach towards social cause. This was followed by brief introduction of each awardee. Their winning videos were played o­n screens which was praised by all. These videos shall be aired across all digital screens of Western Railway to spread awareness. Shri Verma further informed that in the future more such contests o­n various topics such as trespassing, impact of chain pulling etc. will be conducted



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