2 Trains from (KZJ)KAZIPET JN to (KRBA)KORBA
Address: Kazipet, Andhra Pradesh, India
Station Code: KZJ
Station Name: KAZIPET JN
Zone: SCR/South Central
Train Frequency Weekly: 450
Station Traffic: High
Address: Korba, Chhattisgarh 495678, India
Station Code: KRBA
Station Name: KORBA
Zone: SECR/South East Central
Train Frequency Weekly: 107
Station Traffic: Medium
To Check Ticket Availibility Click Classes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-06-14
Extension of Belagavi – Secunderabad – Belagavi Express up to Manuguru as detailed below:
Arrival / Departure timings between Secunderabad – Manuguru Stations
*There is no change in Timings between Belagavi and Secunderabad 2
www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-06-14
Due to restoration works at Bahanaga Bazar station of Kharagpur-Bhadrak section of South Eastern Railway the following trains arecancelled/ restored as follows: Cancellation / Restoration:
. (Ch.Rakesh) Chief Public Relations Officer
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