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Address: Mastara Railway Station, Burha, 284128 Uttar Pradesh

Station Code: MSV)MUSTAR

Station Name: MSV)MUSTARA

Zone: NCR/North Central

Total Unique Trains: 4

Train Frequency Weekly: 25

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Annual GM inspection of Jhansi Division concluded General Manager North Central Railway Shri Pramod Kumar inspected Bhimsen-Veerangana Laxmibai section of Jhansi Division

                                  à¤‰à¤¤à¥â€à¤¤à¤° मध्‍य रेलवे

जनसम्‍पर्क कार्यालय

  à¤‰à¤¤à¥â€à¤¤à¤° मध्‍य  à¤°à¥‡à¤²à¤µà¥‡à¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¯à¤¾à¤—राज

पत्रांक: 11पीआर/02/2022                                 à¤ªà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤¸ विज्ञप्ति                     à¤¦à¤¿à¤¨à¤¾à¤‚क : 23.02.2022

Annual GM inspection of Jhansi Division concluded

General Manager North Central Railway Shri Pramod Kumar inspected Bhimsen-Veerangana Laxmibai section of Jhansi Division

Today, o­n 23.02.2022, General Manager North Central Railway Shri Pramod Kumar along with the team of Principal Heads of North Central Railway Headquarters conducted annual inspection of Jhansi Division. This inspection started in the morning and continued till late evening. During this, the Bhimsen-Veerangana Laxmibai section of the division was inspected. Starting from Bhimsen, the track was inspected from the rear window of the inspection caariage. Major Curves, Bridges, Level Crossing, Gang, four stations (Pokhrayan, Orai, Ait and Mustara) yards, Turn Out, Long weilded rail, SEJ, USFD team, speed trials etc. were thoroughly inspected during the day.

In the morning, the General Manager interacted with trackmen at Kanpur station who put forth their service related issues. Departing from Kanpur Central, the General Manager made first stop over between Bhimsen and Rasulpur Gogamu to inspect a minor bridge there.

GM further inspected the non-interlocked engineering level crossing gate number 207C located between Malasa and Pokhraya. Local villagers at the gate met the GM and demanded opening of the gate at regular intervals for passing road traffic.

Deviating from the schedule of the inspection plan, General Manager made a surprise stop over at Pokhrayan station. There he inspected the waiting rooms, retiring rooms, catering units and water vending units etc. and gave necessary instructions for improvements in the standards of passenger amenities. General Manager also interacted with the local public present at Pokhrayan station and took feedback about the existing facilities.

Departing from Pokhrayan. He examined the riding quality and other safety issues o­n the long welded rail and SEJ located between the traffic level crossing gate number 205 and the section.

 During the inspection of Orai station, the General Manager saw the passenger facilities, waiting room, circulating area, railway yard, points, catering units, health unit, relay room, RPF post, CCTV room, OHE depot along with intensive inspection of GRP post etc.

Shri Kumar hold a brief meeting with the officials present regarding the development works being done by the Railways in the Orai-Jalaun area. A technical exhibition of the Carriage and Wagon Department at Orai station was visited by the General Manager. The working model of Vande Bharat, live demo of water recycling plant, model of bio toilet and quick watering system besides working equipments of carriage and wagon were demonstrated in the exhibition. The HRMS Help Desk set up by the Personnel Department for the benefit of Railway employees was also inaugurated. Through this desk, staff will be able to find solutions to their problems related to HRMS in Orai itself.

The General Manager interacted with the representatives of the Vyapar Mandal and the media in Orai. While talking to the media, he discussed the development and doubling of Kanpur - Jhansi (Veerangana Laxmi Bai) section. He said that during the annual inspection, along with the review of development works, the methods of working of the staff is thoroughly checked and they are counselled accordingly. Shri Kumar also answered media queries regarding Kisan Rail, stoppage of trains &  solar panel etc.

General Manager did a comprehensive inspection of the arrangements for passenger facilities, running rooms and newly constructed station building etc. at the Ait station.

General Manager tested the riding quality of the track by conducting speed trials at a speed of 120 kmph between Ait-Mustara (80 km).

On reaching Mustara station, he inspected the traction sub-station and engineering gang number 02 and talked to them. After that, Shri Kumar inspected the curve number 02 and gang number 01 between Mustara-Jhansi, km 1132-1134.

General Manager, North Central Railway interacted with the trackmen and other railway personnel and checked their knowledge about their work and responsibilities. He obtained information regarding the welfare of the staff and directed the concerned officers of the section to pay special attention to the welfare of the employees.

During the inspection, different teams of officers were formed which were assigned specific tasks. While PCSO Shri M.K. Gupta led the team which inspected points and crossing, PCOM Shri Biplav Kumar led the team which inspected station records. PCCM S.Kapil, DRM Shri Ashutosh and PCE Shri S.K.Mishra remained with the GM during inspection while IG RPF Shri Ravindra Verma inspected the security installations.

After the completion of the inspection, he talked to the recognized trade union, organization, chamber of commerce, ZRUCC member etc. in the Divisional Railway Manager's office.



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