4 Trains from (BKI)BANDIKUI JN to (BAI)BASSI
Address: Bandikui Junction Railway Station, SH 25, Bandikui, Rajasthan 303313, India
Station Code: BKI
Station Name: BANDIKUI JN
Zone: NWR/North Western
Train Frequency Weekly: 295
Station Traffic: High
Address: Rajasthan 303301, India
Station Code: BAI
Station Name: BASSI
Zone: NWR/North Western
Train Frequency Weekly: 49
Station Traffic: Low
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www.nr.indianrailways.gov.in- 2023-03-22
New Delhi Date: 22.03.2023 Cancellation/Partial Cancellation/Diversion of trains due to a traffic block on NWR It is notified for the information of the general public that due to traffic block for the construction of Foot over Bridge at Bandikui Yard. the following trains shall remain temporarily cancelled/partially cancelled/diverted as under:- Cancellation of Trains-
Partial Cancellation of Trains:-
Diversion of Trains:-
Diversion of Trains due to traffic block over ECR & WR:-
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