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Station Code: TKI)TAKL

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Zone: CR/Central

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General Manager Central Railway inspects Badnera-Bhusaval Section on Bhusaval Division

General Manager Central Railway inspects Badnera-Bhusaval Section o­n Bhusaval Division

Shri Naresh Lalwani, General Manager, Central Railway inspected Badnera-Bhusaval Section of Bhusaval o­n 20.2.2023.

The General Manager inspected the new lifts and station premises at Amravati where he also visited the coach restaurant and inspected the Sewage Treatment Plant. He also inspected the newly constructed Foot Over Bridge, new Accident Relief Train (ART) Shed, Railway Colony, Health Unit, RPF Thana (Post), Crew Lobby at Badnera. A speed trial run o­n Badnera-Takli-Kuram section was also conducted. He also inspected curve, level crossing gate o­n Murtajapur-Katepurna section, Safety & Rajbhasha exhibition at Borgaon.

The General Manager inspected the Traction Sub Station (TSS), interacted with Gang at Akola Yard. He also inspected passenger amenities, S&T Real Time Monitoring System, Electronic Interlocking (EI) Learning Centre and station premises at Akola. A speed trial run o­n Akola-Gaigaon-Paras-Shri KshetraNagjhari section, inspected Mund bridge. Inspection of o­n-line Monitoring of Rolling stock System (ORMS) o­n Malkapur-Wadoda  Section, TSS o­n Malkapur-Khamkhed Section, Limited Height Subway (LHS) o­n Khamkhed-Bodwad Section was also conducted.  The General Manager inspected the new Officers’ Transit House, Wheel Lathe Shed in Electric Loco Shed, Badminton Court at Bhusaval.

Shri SS Kedia, Divisional Railway Manager, Bhusaval Division, Principal Heads of Departments and Branch officers from Bhusaval Division were also present during the inspection.
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Date: February 20, 2023
PR No. 2023/02/25
This press release is issued by the Public Relations Department, Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai.

(Shivaji Sutar)
Chief Public Relations Officer

General Manager’s Safety Award for 10 Staff of Central Railway

Central Railway

Press Release


General Manager’s Safety Award for 10 Staff of Central Railway


Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti, General Manager, Central Railway gave away “General Manager’s Safety Award” to 10 Central Railway staff i.e. 2 from Mumbai Division, 3 from Bhusaval Division, 2 from Nagpur Division, 2 from Pune Division and o­ne from Solapur Division. The awards were given in appreciation of their alertness during duty, their contribution in averting untoward incidents and ensuring safety in train operations during the month of June 2022, in a function held at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai o­n 4.7.2022. The award consists of a Medal, commendation certificate, a citation of exemplary safety work and a cash award of Rs.2000/-.


Mumbai Division

Shri Chandan Thakur, Constable, RPF Dadar has saved a man who was trying to catch running train no.17057 express at Dadar Railway Station. He has done excellent work by saving the life of that passenger. Shri Chandan Thakur, born o­n 27.10.1980, joined railways 20.7.2007. He lives at Dadar with his wife and two sons.


Shri Baban Kashinath Kadu, Technician-II, Igatpuri during Rolling in examination of Goods train saw that there was no yoke pin supporting plate of a CBC BOXN wagon. He immediately informed all concerned thus averted a possible mishap.Shri Baban Kadu, born o­n 13.11.1981 and joined railways 17.11.2004.He lives at Igatpuri with his wife, two daughters and o­ne son.


Pune Division

Shri Subodh Kumar Jha Deputy Station Manager, Shelarwadi while o­n duty saw fire in a wheel of fourth coach of passing Intercity Express and stopped the train showing danger signal. Fire extinguisher was used to extinguish the fire after which the train went. Shri Subodh Kumar Jha, born o­n 12.2.1976 and joined railways 8.10.1998.He lives at Talegaon with his wife, o­ne son and o­ne daughter.


Shri Karunakaran, Gateman, Shelarwadi while o­n duty saw fire in a wheel of fourth coach of passing Intercity Express and stopped the train showing danger signal. Fire extinguisher was used to extinguish the fire after which the train went. Shri Karunakaran, born o­n 25.5.1966 and joined railways o­n 19.4.2014.He lives at Talegaon with his wife, o­ne son and o­ne daughter.


Bhusaval Division

Shri Mohd. Majeed, Assistant Loco Pilot of Bhusaval Division, while passing Dongargaon station tried to control the speed. But speed was not reduced even after dropping pressure.Shri Majeed applied emergency brake, used RS Valve and conveyed to Guard o­n Walky Talky to apply brakes. The train stopped after 4 KM. Their alertness averted a possible mishap.Shri Majeed, born o­n 21.12.1995 and joined railways o­n 6.10.2020.He lives at Bhusaval.


Shi Satish Prabhakar, Track Maintainer-III, Khandwa, during his duty noticed a rail fracture at KM 565/28-30. The same was intimated to Station Manager, Khandwa. Thus, his timely action could avert a major possible accident. Shri Satish Prabhakar, born o­n 28.3.1970 and joined railways o­n 29.5.2008.He lives at Khandwa with his wife and two sons.


Shi Om Prakash Singh, Track Maintainer-III, Badnera during his night patrolling between Takli and Badnera noticed a rail fracture. The same was intimated to Station Manager, Badnera. Thus, his timely action could avert a major possible accident.Shri Om Prakash Singh, born o­n 10.12.1987 and joined railways o­n 19.2.2016.He lives at Badnera with his wife, o­ne son and o­ne daughter.


Nagpur Division

Shri Litesh Kumar Deshmukh, Assistant Loco Pilot, Nagpur of Nagpur division, while o­n duty noticed smoke in third rear coach of train no.01371 special passing o­n other line. He informed the station Manager Timtala Station. His alertness averted a possible mishap.Shri Litesh Deshmukh, born o­n 25.7.1975 and joined railways 5.8.2008.He lives at Nagpur with his wife and two daughters.


Shri Arvind Kumar, Track Maintainer-I, Dahegaon of Nagpur Division, during his duty between Wardha and Dahegaon noticed a rail fracture. He immediately showed danger hand signal and stopped a goods train. He also informed all concerned and due to his timely action could avert a major possible accidentShri Arvind Kumar born o­n 16.8.1975 and joined railways 13.6.2012.He lives at Dahegaon with his wife, two sons and o­ne daughter.


Solapur Division

Shri Hari Bhau, Technician, Daund, Solapur Division, while inspecting a Goods train at Daund Yard, saw break in o­ne wheel of leading trolley of a wagon. He immediately removed the wagon from service. Due to his alertness averted a possible mishap. Shri Hari Bhau, born o­n 10.5.1968 and joined railways o­n 10.1.1989.He lives at Daund with his wife and o­ne son.


Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti, while addressing o­n the occasion said that the awardees have done a commendable job and such 24 x 7 alertness shown by the railway staff for safer working will motivate others and sincerely work towards the safety of passengers.


Shri Alok Singh, Additional General Manager, Shri Ashwani Saxena, Principal Chief Engineer, Shri Ajoy Sadany, Principal Chief Security Commissioner, Shri Mukul Jain, Principal Chief Operations Manager and other Principal Heads of Departments of Central Railway were present o­n the occasion and Divisional Railway Managers of all the Divisions joined the event virtually.

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Date: July 04, 2022

PR No.2022/07/12

This press release is issued by the Public Relations Department, Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus Mumbai.


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