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Address: Fulbari Ghoshpukur Bypass, Pin-734434 , Dist - Darjeeling West Bengal

Station Code: NJB)NIJBAR

Station Name: NJB)NIJBARI

Zone: NFR/Northeast Frontier

Total Unique Trains: 4

Train Frequency Weekly: 25

Station Traffic: Low

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01112019 - 480 05-11-2019
Fifteen railwaymen awarded by GM / NFR for showing exceptional alertness during duty

Fifteen railway staff from various divisions of N.F. Railway who showed exceptional devotion & alertness while performing their duty during the month of September, 2019 was awarded during a function held at Maligaon yesterday.

Shri Nirmal Kumar Sinha, Station Master / Panjipara under Katihar division while performing duty o­n 01.09.2019 noticed smoke coming out from o­ne wagon of a goods train. He immediately informed all concerned and the fire was extinguished by using fire extinguisher at Gaisal station. Thus a probable accident was averted due to his alertness.

Shri Charan Singh, Constable/RPF under Katihar division while while performing duty at Barsoi station o­n 07.09.2019 noticed smoke coming out from coach number 09701. He immediately informed all concerned and the problem was rectified and thus a probable accident was averted.

Shri Abhisek Kumar, Helper/C & W under Rangiya division while performing rolling in examination at Rangiya station o­n 11.09.2019 detected broken Coil Spring in AC coach of Train No. 15653 DN. He immediately informed his senior supervisor and the problem was rectified. Due to his alertness a probable mishap could be averted.

Shri Anil Ch. Roy, Technician/II/New Coochbehar & Shri Swapan Mitra, Asst/C&W/ New Coochbehar under Alipurduar division while performing rolling in examination at New Coochbehar detected major defects in o­ne coach of 15910 up. The defects were attended and rectified thus a probable accident was averted due to their alertness.

Shri Duryodhan Reddy, Driver & Shri Dhanushdhari Kumar, Asst. driver under Alipurduar while working by 13150 Dn o­n 22.09.2019 suddenly noticed o­ne big wild elephant crossing the Railway track at KM 71/9-8 between Nagrakata– Chalsa station at about 05-36 pm. They immediately applied the emergency brake to control the train and saved the elephant. Due to their alertness the elephant was saved as well as a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Balram Kumar, Track Maintainer/IV under Katihar division while performing patrolling duty detected rail fracture at Km 20/3-4 in up main line duty between Chatterhat– Nijbaristation. He immediately protected the track and informed all concerned. The track was rectified and a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Sew Kumar Kahar & Jagadish Kalita both Track Maintainer under Lumding division while performing night patrolling duty o­n 25.09.2019 detected problems in railway track. Without losing time, they immediately protected the track and informed all concerned and train running was suspended. Due to their alertness a probable could be averted.

Shri Bidya Moni Singha, Technician/III under Rangiya division while performing duty o­n 27.09.2019 at about 10-50 pm noticed brake binding problem in o­ne coach of a container carrying train. He immediately informed all concerned and the train was stopped and the problem was rectified. Due to his alertness a probable mishap was averted.

Shri D.P. Sinha, Driver & Shri Mahesh Bhushan, Asst. driver under Alipurduar while working by train No.55467 Up o­n 27.09.2019 and passing at KM 19/4-5 between Gulma – Sivok stations suddenly noticed a herd of 05 to 06 nos. of wild elephants crossing the Railway track at about 07.50 am. They immediately applied the emergency brake and managed to stop the train just near the moving elephants. Thus they saved the lives of elephants as well as a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Sourav Chakraborty, Driver under Alipurduar while working by train No.75715 Up o­n 28.09.2019 and passing at KM 32/2-3 between Sivok - Bagrakot stations suddenly noticed o­ne big wild elephant crossing the Railway track at about 06.00 am.He immediately applied the emergency brake and to stop the train. Thus his prompt action saved the life of an elephant as well as a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Kajal Roy, Track maintainer/IV under Katihar division while performing patrolling duty detected rain cut fracture at Km 198/4-3 in up main line duty between Samsi– Bhaluka Road station. He immediately protected the track and informed all concerned. The track was rectified and a probable mishap was averted.

In recognition of their meritorious service each of them were awarded with a cash award of Rs. 3, 000/- (Rupees Three thousand) o­nly alongwith a certificate issued by the General Manager, N.F. Railway.

(Subhanan Chanda)
CPRO/N.F. Railway

30082019 - 355 23-10-2019
Eleven railway staff awarded for showing exceptional alertness during duty

Eleven railway staff from various divisions of N.F. Railway whose prompt action helped to prevent train accidents was awarded by the General Manager / N.F. Railway today.

Shri Ajijur Rahman, driver under Tinsukia division while working by train No.15967 Up o­n 03.07.2019 suddenly noticed elephant movement o­n railway track between Mariani - Nakachari station and stopped the train by applying emergency brake. Due to his alertness elephant was saved and a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Vikram Kumar Pankaj, Track Maintainer under Engineering Department of Lumding Division while o­n monsoon patrolling duty between Jatinga Lampur– New Harangajao station at 04.37 am o­n 12.07.2019 noticed bank settlement and land slip at KM 110/4-5 and informed all concerned to stop train movement. Due to his alertness and devotion to duty a probable mishap could be averted.

Shri Samuel Narjinary, driver under Katihar division while working by train No.12377 o­n 13.07.2019 suddenly observed “Lurching” at KM 185/3-2 in Up line between Bhaluka Road – Harishchandrapur station. He immediately reduced the speed and put “ON” the flasher light and informed all concerned through walkie talkie. Concerned Engineer attended the site and found rain cut. Due to his alertness a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Pulak Roy, Gateman under Alipurduar division while o­n duty at LC gate o­n 18.07.2019 noticed smoke coming out from the rear wheel of Pantry car/coach no. NF 13803 of train No.15483 Dn. He immediately showed Red hand signal to the Guard and informed all concerned. The train was stopped and the defect was rectified. Due to his alertness a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Rameshwar Ram, Technician/C&W/New Jalpaiguri under Katihar division while performing rolling in duty o­n 19.07.2019 at 23.10 hrs detected defects in o­ne coach of train No.12424 Up (Rajdhani Exp) and informed all concerned. Due to his alertness a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Samin Chandra Keot, Station Master of Dhekiajuli station under Rangiya division while performing duty on 23.07.2019 noticed smoke coming out from a goods wagon. He showed red hand signal to the o­n duty guard and the train was controlled and fire was extinguished. Due to his alertness a mishap was averted.

Shri Mritunjay Basak, Track Maintainer/Aluabari under Katihar division while performing duty of Key man between Nijbari – Rangapani station, o­n 24.07.19 detected fire in Engine of train No.15662 DN and arranged to stop the train. Fire was controlled by using fire extinguisher. Due to his alertness a mishap was averted.

Shri Makhan Oran and Sanjid Alam, both Track Maintainer / Kishanganj under Katihar division while performing patrolling duty between Gaisal – Gunjaria station detected fire in o­ne coach of train No.12408 Up. They showed red hand signal to o­n duty guard and shouted to stop the train. Accordingly the train was controlled and the fire was extinguished. Due to their alertness a probable mishap was averted.

Shri Girish Chandra, driver Tinsukia division while working by Up light engine no-70150 o­n 29.07.2019 noticed a herd of elephant o­n Railway track between Nakachari– Mariani section. He immediately controlled the Engine by applying emergency brake. His alertness saved the elephants as well as a mishap could be averted.

Shri Subhajit Paul, Station Manager / Dhalaibi under Rangiya division while through passing a goods train o­n 30.07.2019 detected brake binding in o­ne wagon and immediately informed all concerned to control and check the train. The train was controlled and brake binding was rectified. Due to his alertness a mishap was averted.

In recognition of their meritorious service each of them were awarded with a cash award of Rs. 3, 000/- (Rupees Three thousand) o­nly alongwith a certificate issued by the General Manager, N.F. Railway.

(Subhanan Chanda)
CPRO/N.F. Railway


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