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Address: IIT Rd, North Guwahati, Dist - Kamrup Metropolitan Assam

Station Code: AGT)AGTHOR

Station Name: AGT)AGTHORI

Zone: NFR/Northeast Frontier

Total Unique Trains: 6

Train Frequency Weekly: 37

Station Traffic: Low

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Various steps taken to improve customer interface by N. F. Railway; New Parcel Management System installed at Agthori station

In continuous effort to improve transportation of freight traffic, N. F. Railway has been opening new stations for handling inward and outward goods traffic. Few more railway stations have been opened for freight traffic during February, 2023 enabling easier transportation of various goods by customers. This is expected to benefit transporters in a big way along with development of local economy.

To improve customer interface and further augment freight transportation, Mirza station under Rangiya division has been opened for handling of inward all goods traffic except coal, POL, live stock, explosive and crane consignment. Further, it has also been opened for handling of Parcel Cargo Express Train w.e.f. 15thFebruary, 2023. Permission for handling of inward Steel Pipe consignment in Harmuti station under Rangiya division has been extended for another 06 months w.e.f. 15th February, 2023. Earlier, it was opened for handling of inward Steel Pipe consignment for a period of 06 months w.e.f. 27th July, 2022. Namrup station under Tinsukia division has been opened for handling of outward sand traffic w.e.f. 23rd February, 2023. Further, permission has been extended for loading of coal traffic for another period of 06 months w.e.f. 28th February, 2023. Earlier, it was opened for handling of outward coal traffic o­n for a period of 03 months w.e.f. 10thOctober, 2022.

To modernize parcel booking system and to enhance a user-friendly interface, a Parcel Management System (PMS) has been installed at Agthori Railway station under Lumding division o­n 14th February, 2023. Under the improved system, booking of parcels is being done at parcel offices through computerized system. Traders and businessmen now can avail these services for transportation of their merchandise in a fast, reliable and eco-friendly manner. They can also track their consignments.

(Sabyasachi De)

Record Budget Allocation for NFR; Hon’ble Minister of Railways Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw interacts with media on Railway Budget

Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw, Hon’ble Minister of Railways o­n 3rd February, 2023 held an interaction with media persons of Northeast virtually from New Delhi in connection with the Railway Budget 2023-24. Shri Anshul Gupta, General Manager of N. F. Railway and senior railway officials of Headquarters were also present. Similar programme was also held in all the divisions of N. F. Railway where Divisional Railway Managers were participated. Media persons from different places joined virtually. While addressing the media persons, the Minister of Railways informed that a capital outlay of Rs. 2.40 lakh crore has been provided for the Railways. This year allocation is the highest ever outlay which is about 9 times outlay made in 2013-14 and 51% more than the last year.

The Minister of Railways said that 59 stations in Northeast to be developed with world class amenities/facilities. Keeping in view the heritage concept of ‘Virasat Bhi, Vikas Bhi’, he informed that 310 old train coaches will be converted to LHB coaches for better riding experience and comfortable journey for the passengers. During last year, 445 KM of railway tracks have been electrified in Assam. 15 station each in all divisions of NFR to be developed under Amrit Bharat Station Scheme.

During the interaction, the Minister informed that adequate fund has been allotted for overall development of railway infrastructure in all North Eastern states. For the first time, an amount of Rs. 1.20 lakh crore has been earmarked for connecting the hilly and border areas.

Moreover, the Gross Budget Allocation for N. F. Railway for the FY 2023-24 is Rs. 10,988.80crore. It is 13.75% more than previous year’s allotment (Rs 9,660.14 Crs). The allocation for North-eastern states is Rs. 10,269 crore which is about Rs. 300 crore higher than the last year.This year budget allocation shows unprecedented growth in several segments like new line and doubling projects, track renewal works, traffic facilities, road safety works, bridge works, signalling, workshop modernisation and customer amenities etc. Around Rs. 6591 crore has been allocated for new lines while it is Rs. 1364 crore for doubling of railway tracks. The Minister of Railways also informed that total railway infrastructure projects of Rs. 75,795 crore are going o­n in entire North-eastern region.

Adequate allocation has been made for early execution of all the o­ngoing works. Around Rs. 1100 crore has been allocated for Dimapur - Kohima new line projects while Rs. 800 crore is earmarked for execution of the Jiribam - Imphal new line projects. Other capital connectivity projects in the North-eastern states such as Sivok - Rangpo new line projects in Sikkim gets Rs. 2350 crore while Rs. 915 crore has been allocated for Bairabi – Sairang new line projects in Mizoram. Among other new line projects, Rs. 200 crore for Agartala – Akhaura international connectivity project between India and Bangladesh and around Rs. 700 crore is allocated for Araria – Galgalia project.

Rs. 600 crore for New Bongaigaon – Rangiya – Kamakhya and Rs. 500 crore for New Bongaigaon- Goalpara – Kamakhya have been allocated for speedy execution of the o­ngoing track doubling works. Moreover, Rs. 115 crore has been allocated for the doubling works between Katihar – Kumedpur and Katihar – Mukuria sections to further improve train connectivity to and from Northeast.

It is to be mentioned here that Agthori station near Guwahati will be redeveloped with world class facilities at a cost of Rs. 517 crore.

(Sabyasachi De)


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